Media lab at ESF in Paris (English), November 2003
Nov. 2003 MetalloMediaLab During the European social Forum in Paris, from the 11 to November 16, 2003, we open a temporary space of experimentation and confrontation for European alternative media in the Maison des Metallos (former and historical stealworkers’s trade union center).
The MetalloMediaLab laboratory wants to be an opportunity for activists of independent media to present their work, to confront themselves with other similar experiments, to meet other activists, to exchange know-how and expertise, but also to give a progress report on the European situation and to release from the prospects for actions and common initiatives.
These days of laboratory will be organized around a series of workshops, meetings and plenary assemblies , and around a dispositive of technical tools in free acces (rooms, WiFi, projections, computers, etc).
We present here, in a summarized way, a first series of proposals. All the european independent media, without exclusive, are invited to come and propose topics of workshops, conferences and debates.
1) Workshops (small, average, large and/or permanent)
• WiFi: mobile experimentation of wireless connectivity via satellite, permanent wifi workshop in the hall, free acces to wireless cards and demo on how it goes and on manufacturing of antennas, etc.
• Free software for the media: usable software for the media independent (video assembly, audio and video streaming, sound control); projects of bootable CD-Rom containing free tools for production (like distribution GNU/Linux Dynabolic).
• For a network of free TV channels : which common strategy ? Which tools ? Which common practices ?
• Peer to Peer (P2P) as a possible independent network for distribution and communication (Peercast, Gnutella, etc).
• Problems of counter-investigation practice: how to protect the sources, how to protect the actors from the alternative communication.
2) Presentations of experiments
• Meltingpot: communication and multiethnic society, experience of a multilingual information portal.
• La "Tchache" in Paris: presentation of the local forum of the media independent organized by the association "la tchache" in Marseille, assessment and prospect.
• Projections and free acces (on a local server) of productions from the alternative TV and of video collectives.
• Tactical media: film projections and meetings with groups around the idea and practice of tactical media.
3) Plenary assemblies
• The world Summit for information society (Geneva, December 2003): presentation of the summit, the counter-summit and the various initiatives of contestation.
• Patentability of the software, copyright and others similar laws: alternative media facing the new regulations of the immaterial production, agenda and consequences.
• Financing independent media: what could be the economy of the alternative media...
• The free television practice : free access, participative TV , another manner of filming and of going up, new device of antenna.
• Free radios in front of the marchandisation and the deregularisation on a worldwide level.
Took part on this project : Confédération nationale des radios libres (CNRL), Confédération nationale du travail (CNT), Global Project, Globenet, Maison des Metallos, Mediactivism, TÉLÉ Bocal, Riv’Nord, Zalea TV. Media lab at ESF in Paris
Auteur(s) : Presse
- Document(s) joint(s) :
- Media Lab at ESF in Paris (PDF - (25893|taille_en_octets))
The article in Pdf